Concepts for Low Carbon in Existing Buildings

11.-13.04.2012 Workshop and Symposium - Concepts for Low Carbon in Existing Buildings, Hefei 


Workshop and Symposium - Concepts for Low Carbon in Existing Buildings

时间:2012年4月11-14日               2012 April 11 to 14


10.30 am                      致欢迎                  Opening Welcome speeches by

合肥学院                      University Hefei

合肥市行业主管部门      City Government

安徽省行业主管部门      Province Government



议题1:主题发言(每人30分钟)         Session 1 - Keynote speeches(30 minutes each)



柯复南 上海罗昂建筑设计公司 创意总监

帕斯卡 上海罗昂建筑设计公司 首席战略总监

“Understanding the value of Adaptive Reuse - Low Carbon solutions to increase the value of existing buildings“

Mr. Frank Krueger, Creative Director and Mr. Pascal Hartmann, CSO; logon Shanghai



迪克·世伟德                       上海亚洲能源设计公司

 “German requirements and solutions for existing buildings”

Mr. Dirk Schwede, energydesign asia Shanghai


12.00 pm          午餐    Lunch-break



13.30 pm         



Session 2 – Thermal and moisture calculations – the need to find solutions for LOW Carbon in Existing Buildings(each report 20 minutes)

(Moderation: Dr. Hans-Peter Leimer)



汉斯-皮特·赖默教授            德国希尔德德斯海姆应用科技大学

Renovation and Restoration of existing buildings in China”

Prof. Hans-Peter Leimer

Hefei University, University of Applied Sciences and Arts - HAWK Hildesheim/Germany



黄志甲教授、博士   安徽工业大学建工学院副院长

“An Analysis on Carbon Dioxide Emission during the Occupation of Residential Building”

Prof. Dr. Zhijia Huang; School of Civil Engineering - Anhui University of Technology



潘益群教授、博士   同济大学建筑工程系主任

"Calibrated simulation for existing buildings"

Prof. Dr. Yiqun Pan

Director/Key Professor, Faculty of Building Technologies; Sino-German College of Applied Sciences - Tongji University



黄志甲教授、博士   安徽工业大学建工学院副院长

 “Field measurements and simulation research of residential building energy consumption”.

Prof. Dr. Zhijia Huang; School of Civil Engineering - Anhui University of Technology



15.00 pm          茶歇    Coffee-break


15.15 pm         

议题3:既有建筑低碳尝试  (每个报告20分钟)


Session 3 - Possibilities for LOW Carbon in Existing Buildings (each report 20 minutes)

(Moderation: Prof. Xia Yong)



汉斯-皮特·赖默教授            德国希尔德德斯海姆应用科技大学

“Restoration and Building-Physics according WTA - The Historical Bao Yang Quarter in Shanghai “

Prof. Hans-Peter Leimer

Hefei University, University of Applied Sciences and Arts - HAWK Hildesheim/Germany



Materials and Constructions for Existing Buildings

 既有建筑的机遇--- ETICS的外墙保温绝热

慕武威                       堡密特上海公司/外墙外保温质量联盟,北京    

“External Wall Insulations by ETICS – Chances for Existing Buildings”

Mr. Uwe Münchow, Baumit Ltd. Shanghai / ETICS Quality Alliance, Beijing




“Internal Wall Insulations with new products – Chances for Existing Buildings”

Shailesh Koirala, National Technical Manager; Knauf China



罗伯特·库比克                   欧博诺商贸(北京)有限公司

“Radiant applications in Existing buildings”

Mr. Robert Cubick, General Manager Uponor Trading (Beijing) Co., Ltd.



17.00 pm          最终讨论       Final Discussions app.

18.00 pm          晚宴        Symposium Dinner